
Sunday, March 27, 2011

It IS Well

It has been awhile since I've written, but perhaps it's now appropriate that within the last couple of weeks, I've been compelled to play that classic hymn It Is Well.  Whether it be after hearing the turmoil in earthquake-ravaged Japan, or something local like the Listowel, Ontario's deadly fire of two fireman, Ray Walter and Deputy Chief Ken Rea, I am sunk into the reality these are all people affected by something tragic - people creating what is called a community.  Whether large or small, a community is affected by tragedy. 

I played It Is Well on a couple of shows after these tragedies, by Acappella and Rebecca St. James respectively. I've always loved the classic hymns.  Growing up in a traditional church it was commonplace to sing hymns, and if an artist does it right, hearing an edgier version of a hymn always adds a different spin to it.  No matter how a hymn is sung or played, the passion of the singer or player may just be enough to help another reflect on those lyrics - "When peace like a river attendeth my way..." or "The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend..."

I know for me lately, singing It Is Well does not only bring peace within me, but reminds me that as Japan recuperates from its latest tragedy and other communities will endure more in the future, it is well with their souls also.

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