RetroSwitch started out as a Christian radio program hosted by Jason "Parker" Parke in February 2005 and signed off in June 2016. Primarily, RetroSwitch aired on Faith FM 94.3, owned by Sound of Faith Broadcasting Inc., located in Kitchener, ON, Canada, originally called Retro Rewind. This radio ministry provided listeners in southern Ontario and online around the world a Christian listening experience, enforcing RetroSwitch's mission through music, interviews, and dialogue with listeners.
Since its inception on Faith FM a decade ago, two other Sound of Faith Broadcasting stations chose to air the weekly ministry. In October 2012, Faith FM 99.9, London, ON, aired RetroSwitch Friday evenings, and in September 2013, Faith FM 93.9, Brantford aired Friday evenings as well. However, in June 2016, Parker signed off the airwaves, but has maintained his presence online, and thus the focus of RetroSwitch has changed. The goal of RetroSwitch is to provide and profile positive news stories or inspirational musings from bloggers, musicians, motivational speakers or common folk like Parker! RetroSwitch is on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube so fans can interact with Parker as well as other fans.
Jason has a B.Th. Youth Ministry degree from Emmanuel Bible College, Kitchener, ON, and married his college Sweetheart, Jenn, who, in-part co-founded RetroSwitch.
Parker, blessed to be on the airwaves for over a decade!