Yes, you've heard it. There were so many celebrity deaths in 2016 that you wondered if 2017 would get on the right foot, Sure enough, Mary Tyler Moore passed away last week. In addition to that, your credit card bills have not leveled out to your satisfaction, and any resolution you made at the stroke of midnight January 1st didn't last until the stroke of midnight on January 2nd.

Even so, it doesn't matter in hindsight. Today is a new day (man, that P.O.D. "Alive" song comes to mind!) and the new chapter in your life needs reading. It's not February yet, but that's ok. You'll just take each day as it comes since you know life may throw you a new curve anyway. Yet here's food for thought, from a guy out of this world, literally. No, not me, but retired Canadian astronaut Col. Chris Hadfield, who gives us facts and figures and a new perspective on what's really happening in on planet Earth, and beyond. It's a positive global perspective on what your 2017 will bring ranging from advancements on healing deadly diseases, positive effects of climate change, and global political achievements met with new goals.
Happy New Year! I have no problem saying that every day this year, if it means you gaining a new perspective on how to look at your life. That in itself is a resolution.
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