
Monday, December 14, 2015

"Then All the Reindeer Loved Him..." So What?

It's amazing how much we can learn from Christmas songs.  Even "Rudolph, the Red-NosedReindeer"speaks of four-legged northern creatures bullying the "weirdest" of the group, and then realizing his potential could save Christmas. Here is another thought: What would be more amazing is using our new found holiday knowledge and use it year round. Several radio stations worldwide devote their airtime to playing Christmas music around the clock and thus, you'll hear music like "Mary, Did You Know," or "O Holy Night" at Christmas that you normally wouldn't hear in July.  There is a market at Christmastime catered toward those who want to hear, or sing along, the story of the birth of Jesus whether they recognize him personally as the Saviour of the world or not.
This same Saviour came to bring peace, and there are several events of this past year that bring to light the necessity of some sort of "peace" worldwide.  Should we discuss the attack on those in Paris this year? This was obviously a terrible event that brought attention to the why's and how's regarding terrorism.  Another topic of discussion includes Canada and her stance on welcoming Syrian refugees. Canadians can talk all they want about whether it is a good thing to allow immigrants from a wore-torn nation and a perceived threat of being violent themselves step foot north of the 49th.  Sure, there must be some major "i's" to dot and "t's" to cross before the Canadian government should make it official, but I, for one, and my wife concurs, believe that if the peace of Jesus welcomes such people at his feet, they should be most welcome at ours.

Blind Muslim Trust Experiment, Stockholm - An Experience of Acceptance and Peace

Whatever songs you sing, hear, play and hum in the shower be songs you'll stand by next summer. Remember that line in the song "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me."  Perhaps that starts with welcoming refugees in your hometown.  Perhaps it means helping your kids package up Christmas gifts for less fortunate neighbour kids down the street.  You don't have to be religious after all to pick up the Bible for the first time.  So since it is Christmas, take a read at the book of Romans chapter 12, verse 18, where it reads, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,  live at peace with everyone."  I suppose if we can learn anything from a Christmas theme, the story of Rudolph, that red-nosed reindeer, holds the best example:  "Then all the reindeer loved him," after they realized bullying Rudolph about that bright red nose of his was foolish since Rudolph could make a difference in the world.  We may not be able to save Christmas like our red-nosed friend, but we can certainly shed a little peace.

"The Little Drummer Boy" Performed by John Schlitt - A Song About Humility and Peace

Check out RetroSwitch's Christmas Special THIS FRIDAY, Dec. 18, 2015 with yours truly, Parker!  It will be a presentation I hope you enjoy and will serve greatly for any gathering.  Check out one of the songs featuring on the Special, by John Schlitt, solo artist and frontman of Grammy award winning band Petra, "The Little Drummer Boy." Experience music based on Scripture fitted for the Christmas Season and beyond.

Coming Up: Dec.18: RetroSwitch Christmas Special
                   Dec. 25: RetroSwitch Special Presentation: The New Young Messiah
                   Jan. 1: RetroRequested: Songs requested by YOU!

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