Do you remember what you were like in your teenage years? What drove you? What music did you listen to? What "scene" were you in? I guess I wasn't your stereotypical Canadian teenager. Most

of my friendships were decent, and I chose those you'd want to walk alongside me on the straight and narrow. I never got into the drug and alcohol scene, nor did I listen to any music that would cause me to want to get into it. (Although, I do remember purchasing
Dance Mix '95, so does that count)?!
Actually, my passion was Christian music and now that I'm in my 30's, I suppose much of this music is considered "classic." It's evident in what I am doing today as I've headed up a Christian retro show for almost 10 years. Rock and contemporary music were the primary cds in my 60-cd changer. My rock band was Petra, known for their hard core guitar riffs, solid sound, confident lyrics and a frontman named John who could reach more octaves than a guy being nailed in - well, you know.

My contemporary flavour was, well, you know him for songs like "Place in this World," "Secret Ambition," "Live the Life," and most recently, "You Won't Let Go" from his current album
Sovereign. He's a man who has experiented with rock, but is widely considered the king of Christian contemporary music,
Michael (Whittiker) W. Smith, is one of my heroes. I have met him, but like all childhood superheroes, they don't usually remember you. I shook his hand at an autograph signing. He's not considered a hero of mine for his writing, acting, singing, or good looks. Not because he's been on
Entertainment Tonight, is friends with Bono, or wins multiple Grammys. Those things are cool, but ultimately, it's what he does off stage that inspires me. His ministry is not his music, but it's his family. In his book I'm reading,
It's Time to Be Bold, he humbles himself and aims to "follow the One who holds it all together," (pg.9) and he asks his fans to do the same alongside him.
I love getting to know somebody like a musician who you've looked up to for 20 years through personal stories in a book. You get to know what brought a Michael W. Smith to where he is today, the choices he had to make, the sacrifices he had to give up. Plus, do you think your hero had it all together from the get-go? A composer who writes for a popular singing artist is one thing, but when you have a composer who, in it's entirety,
is the musician, putting pen on paper experiences he'd like to share to the world and encourage others to follow alongside him on his spiritual journey, draws me, a fan to want to walk together in humility.
Check out Michael's website at
Catch Michael W. Smith's music regularly on "
RetroSwitch," hosted by yours truly, Parker live from this blog!
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