
Friday, November 19, 2010

Still Reaching...

Thanks to all who listened to RetroSwitch Live Friday as part of Faith FM's "Share the Faith" Radiothon.  As of show's end, $39 388 was raised, with a goal of $60 000 by three days' end.

It is not my intent to drain your bank account.  Please do be honest with yourself.  If you can't give, you can't give.  You can pray for the ministry of Faith FM 94.3, however!  Donations can be made online at, in person at 659 King St. E., Kitchener, ON, or Sat. until 5 pm.

Faith FM's "Share the Faith' Radiothon wraps up Saturday at 5 pm, with a grand prize to be awarded Monday after 5 pm for all donors. 

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