
Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Line-up of RetroSwitch Guests Coming Soon!

With a new season upon us, new beginnings are taking place.  Children are attending school for the first time, a host of church ministries are starting new programs, and RetroSwitch is booking new guests for its 2010-2011 season!

Stay tuned during the next few weeks as RetroSwitch sets a lineup of guests appearing on RetroSwitch Live over the next 15 months.  Steve, the Retro Insider, has a list of artists he'll profile in 2011 as he does his "Retro Insider" gig monthly.  We'll continue our Youth Radio Series as we focus on youth ministry-oriented topics.  You'll hear musicians promoting their albums and upcoming concerts.  And, of course, the annual RetroSwitch Christmas Special is already being prepared for later this year.

If you have something to offer, why not drop us a note?  Would you like exposure on the radio and web?

You're welcome to join RetroSwitch on Facebook, Twitter, or drop by your email address to recieve these posts right in your inbox.

Catch ya on the flip side!

Parker, host of RetroSwitch Live, and co-founder of RetroSwitch

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